Hi everyone,
Great news today, we've queued 470 OpenMV Cam M7s to ship! A lot of folks should be receiving shipping notifications this week. We'll be shipping another batch of 300 OpenMV Cam M7s next week to finish up shipping to everyone. After which we'll finally have about 300 OpenMV Cam M7s in stock.
Sales have been good so far. So we've even gotten started on another run of 1000+ cameras to keep them in stock. Thanks to everyone for believing in the product!
Please let us know what you think of the OpenMV Cam M7 when you get it. You should get roughly double the performance of the M4. Also, make sure to try out the AprilTags code! It's the most impressive feature.
UARM OpenMV Cams
Remember the post about UARM a while back? Well, they raised close to $1M for their product and we're supplying them with OpenMV Cams for their backers - 1200 in total which we've already started to produce in addition to the 1000+ above.
Other News
Nothing to report besides for OpenMV IDE 1.5.2 being released with v2.3.0 firmware that has barcode reading support for your OpenMV Cam M7.