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Hi everyone! Say hello to our next-generation systems! The OpenMV N6 and AE3!
We're launching them both today on Kickstarter!
Two years ago, I went full-time on OpenMV after Embark Trucks shut down. I did this because I saw what was coming around the corner: next-generation microcontrollers with onboard neural processing unit (NPU) accelerators. I could see that this technology would be revolutionary. The OpenMV N6 and AE3 are more than 100x faster than our previous generation of OpenMV Cams, unlocking the ability to run modern AI models onboard. Now, you can run Object Detection Models, Track Human Body Pose, See Facial Landmarks, and more at 30 FPS! All while sipping even less power than before, making long-life AI battery-powered applications a reality.
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