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Line Detection

Posted by Kwabena Agyeman on

Hi Folks!

We've finally cleared our backlog of OpenMV Cam M7s to ship. Everyone who pre-ordered their OpenMV Cam should have received a tracking number and... hopefully by now it has been delivered! OpenMV Cam M7s are now in stock in our online store and you can order one to ship immediately today. Also, we've totally sold out of the OpenMV Cam M4 too!


You can now buy the OpenMV Cam at a lot more places now! We're in SparkFun and Seeed Studio now!

New Features

You can now find lines at 30 FPS! Additionally, you can also find line segments at 15 FPS. See the video below:

We'll be releasing this new feature along with data matrix support soon! That said, you can try it out now here.