Hi folks,
It's been a while since our last update! Sorry for the wait! We've been working hard on the firmware for a new OpenMV Cam H7 Plus model which will lift the resolution limits on the OpenMV Cam H7 for Color Tracking, April Tags, and more! We received a lot of requests for a high-res OpenMV Cam and we started developing a new product to meet the need. The OpenMV Cam H7 Plus will have an STM32H743 main processor, 32 MB of SDRAM, 32 MB of flash, and come with the OV5640 camera module that is capable of taking 5MP images.

See the activity tracker above! We've been busy!

Anyway, we'll send out more details about the OpenMV Cam H7 Plus later this month. There's still a little bit of driver development to do before it's ready to show off. That said, we've already started the production run and hope to accept pre-orders this month and deliver the product early next year in January/February.
Moving on, I'd like to introduce Luxonis who is partnering with OpenMV to build an Industrial OpenMV Cam. Luxonis is developing DepthAI, a RealTime Depth and Vision AI for the RasperryPi using the Movidius Myriad X. They're doing great work trying to make powerful high speed AI processing more accessible to the masses. If you're interested in DepthAI Luxonis just launched a Crowd Supply campaign to build the first production run of hardware.
The system is pretty amazing and is able to do stereo image processing on on two 720p global-shutter camera data feeds at 25 FPS and perform object classification and localization telling you where things actually in the real world accurately on the Myriad X without burdening the host processor.

Anyway, that's all folks!